Happy Valentine’s Day! On Valentine’s Day in our house, we always celebrate with little bags of chocolate and a small gift, and we traditionally eat lasagna for dinner with cannolis for dessert. Even though my girls are older and we no longer choose Valentines to fill out for their classmates or decorate the shoebox into a Valentine’s box, I still try to make the day special.
This morning, I woke up thinking about how much I enjoyed Valentine’s Day at school in the 1980’s. What a lovely day! I loved Garfield, so I’m almost certain my Valentines looked like this:

I loved reading all the Valentines from my classmates and enjoying all the candy in my Valentine’s box (although it might have been just a big envelope taped to my desk). I would wear red or pink on this day like everyone else.
During the 80’s, I’m sure my Valentine cards reflected the cartoons of the time: The Smurfs, Strawberry Shortcake, The Care Bears, Jem and the Holograms, the Jetsons, or He-Man and She-ra. Right now, I’m not sure what children watch on TV. I’m out of touch. I think I’ll come back around to this kind of knowledge with grandchildren, but for now, I’ll rest in this 80’s nostalgia.