I pull out an old classic, A Woman After God’s Own Heart, by Elizabeth George. 15 years ago, I underlined so many bits of wisdom for marriage, motherhood, and keeping a home. One of my favorite things she writes is in a chapter on spiritual growth and fellowship. She quotes her friend, Anne Ortlund, who explains, “There are two kinds of personalities in the world, and you are one of the two. People can tell which, as soon as you walk into a room: your attitude says either, ‘Here I am’ or ‘There you are’.”
I’m so much here I am, and I want to be there you are.
George continues to explain how we might have a “ministry of refreshment” to other people by seeking to bless others when we enter a room instead of thinking of ourselves.
There you are!
I remember that I can offer refreshment, or I can drain.
I can bless or seek to be blessed.
I can place myself in the center–Here I am!–or focus on you when I enter a room. I find myself excited to go to church and think, “There you are!” and refresh those around me.