The Savoring From What’s Broken

Our new dryer suddenly stopped drying our clothes. I found myself shocked at my response to this inconvenience! The stress, anger, entitlement, and frustration coursing through my brain made me truly stop and wonder. How quickly I’ve adapted and come to expect certain things: hot, clean, running water magically appearing out of a spout; a machine that washes my clothes, one that sends hot air and tumbles them to dry those same clothes; a dishwasher that washes and dries my dishes; a house warmed by heat I’m not producing myself. . .

We called in for the repair. We’re out of a dryer for maybe a day. That’s it. Just a day. But the work of repair had already started in me.

The hot shower felt like a wonderful gift. The clean dishes I unloaded felt like a marvelous invention. The fact that my car moves across the surface of the road to get me places suddenly felt undeserved, so undeserved.

Thank you, God, for something broken to get my heart back to gratitude.

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