I’m so happy to announce that the audio version of The Six Conversations just appeared on audible.com. I think you will absolutely adore the voice of Joy Vandervort-Cobb who reads this book for us.
If you need a good book to enjoy as you travel for the holidays or go on long walks (or wherever you listen to audiobooks!) enjoy this one!
I love having audio versions of my books, especially since I often help my publisher audition the voices. For my first book, Seated with Christ, Moody gave me the honor and thrill of recording the book myself. I needed a voice coach to help me. I needed to eat a lot of very greasy food (chips, fries, and burgers) to lubricate my vocal cords. I needed lots of chances to get the “operative word” right in a sentence. We recorded the book in one day, and I loved the whole process. This was notably my last time providing the voice for my audiobooks! Ha! I’m simply not a voice actor!
I remember it all, so today, I’m thankful for the work of Joy Vandervort-Cobb and her work on The Six Conversations. Her voice is the coziest!!!