The Daily

The Lord keeps reminding me that He “daily” bears my burdens (Psalm 68:19) and that we’re to live day-by-day. We don’t know what a day will bring.

There’s something wise and good about taking life day-by-day.

We’re told to pray for “daily” bread; we’re told to take up our cross “daily”; we’re told to encourage one another “daily.” I think about how the Israelites couldn’t store up manna; they needed a fresh supply each new day. I think about how clear Jesus is in Matthew 6:34, for example, when He says, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Today is enough! Let’s not think about tomorrow yet. Let’s get through today.

Finally, we’re cautioned not to boast about tomorrow in Proverbs in no uncertain terms: Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. James reiterates the point: Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

As I’m thinking about living life “daily,” I pause to read Andrew Murray’s words on daily living. He writes this:

In this faith, abide in Christ! Cling to Him; rest on Him; hope in Him. Renew your consecration daily; daly accept afresh your position as one ransomed from your tyrant, and now in turn made a conqueror. Daily look with holy fear on the enemy, self, which struggles to free itself from the cross. . . Abide in Him; He has promised to abide in you. He will teach you to be humble and watchful. He will teach you to be happy and trustful.


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