Something wonderful came my way this week. But first, let me tell you that for years, my daughters and I tried those little kits to grow bonsai trees. I just love everything about the Japanese art form of bonsai gardening, and my daughter adores Japanese art and culture.
Since we’ve failed miserably in our efforts in bonsai gardening, it occurred to me to surprise my daughter with a faux bonsai tree for her bedroom once she left for college. I’d decorate with bonsai trees for her to enjoy when she returned. She’d love them! How special! But alas—they were so expensive. I couldn’t afford them. Who knew that artificial plants cost a fortune?
I’m certain God knew.
A few weeks later, my husband went to help my mother-in-law settle the estate of her dear cousin. Every once in a while, I’d receive a text asking if I wanted this or that treasure from the cousin’s home. Then, my husband asked if I still wanted bonsai trees. The cousin collected bonsai trees.
So here I sit marveling: Not one. Not two. Not even three. He’d return back to Pennsylvania with six beautiful bonsai trees of all styles. I can now remember and honor the departed cousin, keep a bit of the memory alive, and delight in this gift. I never imagined I’d inherit a bonsai tree collection from my first-cousin-in-law I met only once in my life in his beautiful home. I think he might be laughing in heaven about this.
What abundant goodness shown through my mother-in-law who had no idea about my long-time love and search for artificial bonsai trees.
And now I have six. Two for Sarah’s bedroom. One for the hallway. One for the living room. One for my bedroom. And the last little one? For Sarah’s dorm room. God always gives immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3: 20-21). He wasn’t kidding. I do think that God does have a fun sense of humor. You need bonsai? I got it. On the way. I’ll throw in five extra.
Here’s the lovely one I chose for the living room. My cat also loves sitting by her bonsai tree.