Texted: What Should I Do with My Life?

A high school student in my town had a problem.  She didn’t know what she wanted to do for a career. 

So she polled everyone.  She texted all her friends and family–the ones who knew her the best–and asked them for their opinion on the matter.  She even inquired of her teachers.  She asked people what they could imagine her doing because she figured that those who know her best might have noticed some of her strengths and talents she couldn’t necessarily see. 

A high percentage of texts came back suggesting she pursue a career she had never imagined for herself.  Her friends and family saw a direction that she couldn’t see: a teacher.  Text after text explained to her why she would be a perfect teacher.  The texts even came back with a specific grade in mind with clear reasoning why.  This overwhelming response made her deeply consider a new direction and think through what she had forgotten: a childhood passion for teaching others. 

This is career planning with flair.

It takes a brave person to send out the question: “What should I do with my life?”  At that moment of humble confusion and uncertainty, an entire network answers the call to help.  In this student’s case, the community arrived at a quick consensus.  All of those loving and insightful texts remind me that career planning (or any future planning) doesn’t have to happen alone. We can poll our friends and teachers, gather wise opinions, and move forward with new insight. 

The subtext of those texts?   We love you, we care about your future, and you are not alone.  

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0 Responses

  1. I wonder if a 50-year-old sent out the text to her friends, what would they say? I'd expect “retire, hang loose, enjoy” but I'd want to hear something deeper.

  2. @Lynne – good thought – how about a 57 yr old? The other day, the quote occurred to me “If you keep doing the same thing, you keep getting the same results” or thereabouts. Hmmm….good food for thought. Brave student indeed and thank GOD no one said “seek your passion.”