Talk to One Stranger a Day (My Student’s Advice)

I recently read a student’s paper on how he made a New Year’s resolution last year to talk to one stranger a day. And he’s done it. He recounted one story of how talking to a stranger at a sporting event led to one of his deepest friendships, including spending Spring Break together.

I’ve been attempting his challenge for many years, but it wasn’t until I read his paper that I thought about how my weekend traveling became so delightful by simply talking to strangers. First I complimented a young girl’s hair tinsel, and we had the best conversation while in the airport security line. On the plane, I complimented a mother and daughter on their Dunkin’ Donuts coffee (claiming I wish I had some!), and that led to an hour conversation that included our views on standard written English, the Holy Spirit, dating in one’s thirties, the King James Bible, and TikTok. We’re texting friends now.

Start with a compliment or notice something about a stranger in the elevator, in line, or wherever you are. Here are my two favorite ways to start:

Do you like your (shoe brand)? Should I get some?

It’s (notice the weather). Are you a (weather) person? (It’s freezing! Are you a winter person?)

As the holiday season can sometimes make people feel more lonely, it’s time to start talking to strangers.

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