Right now, we’re cultivating.
We’re preparing the soil for all our seeds and young plants. This involves pulling weeds, turning over the soil, adding in our compost, securing the garden plots from predators, strengthening stakes and trellises, planting, and watering.
It’s a lot of work, but my husband loves to do this along with my daughter.
If you want a great harvest, you cultivate. You prepare. You stay faithful to the task, and you leave the results to an unseen, mysterious process that has nothing to do with you. Yes, we water and fertilize, but really, we can’t force anything. We can’t make anything happen.
I love remembering that in my own life, I do my part in staying faithful to what I think God wants me to do, and I don’t worry one bit about the results. They have nothing to do with me and everything to do with that Unseen, Mysterious One who brings about the harvest.