Last weekend, I met a reader of Seated with Christ. Our encounter brought such delight to my soul, and I’ll let you know why through her words. She’s Kirstin Nave–a wonderful blogger over at Workout in the Word.

Kristen writes this:
I am so blown away by God’s intentionality, and the way He pursues us and uses His people to speak into our lives! A few weeks ago a publisher let me choose out a book from a pile they had brought to a conference. There were 10 I hadn’t heard of yet, and I randomly chose, “Seated With Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Comparison”, by Heather Holleman.
I put this book on my nightstand at home (along with a couple others I’ve been wanting to read), thinking, I have zero time for pleasure reading right now. . .
Turns out this book was more than pleasure reading. . .it was life-changing, God-ordained reading. . .
I was having a rough day a week ago and walked in my room, glanced at the book, and a quiet thought came in my mind, “Maybe I should just pick that book up”. I found myself sitting on my bed, weeping, devouring the book and wondering, “HOW DID THIS AUTHOR GET IN MY HEAD?”
My husband interrupted my reading so we could talk about a conference we were going to that weekend. We realized we had no idea who was speaking so I flipped open my phone to see the list of speakers and HEATHER HOLLEMAN’S FACE POPS UP FIRST. She was coming all the way from the East Coast to CA to host the very conference we were going to ??
You just can’t make this stuff up!! This book has changed my life, and opened my eyes. . . and I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with this amazing woman this weekend, a new friend. She’s a world changer!
He loves me. He loves Heather. And He loves you. He’s working in our lives, orchestrating the details we need to draw us closer to Him. So grateful for these life-giving words in, “Seated With Christ”- living freely and fully in Him!!!