Some Questions About My Life From Growing Plants

I pass by the seedlings growing in the window, and I notice how my daughter has transplanted the seedlings into larger containers. She continues to upgrade the containers to accommodate the rate of growth.

I know that soon, she’ll move the plants outside to strengthen them in the harsh wind and varying temperatures to form hearty plants ready for their final transplant in the wide, wide, earth.

I wonder about my own life. I wonder about marriage and parenting. I wonder about friendship.

Have I provided the space for growth in myself and the people around me?

Where am I too confined?

How am I confining others?

Do I need a new experience to foster my rate of growth? 

Have I allowed enough discomfort to strengthen me in new environments so I’m ready for where God plants me? 

If I’m not flourishing, is my container too small? Is my environment too comfortable? 

By harvest time, I want to have grown alongside my plants. Each new year, I hope for growth, and I think about positioning myself and others for flourishing. 

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