Rest and Reflection

Today, for no reason at all, I curled up in the grass next to my cat, Louie. He’s allowed to venture into the backyard, and he loves to lounge in the sunshine. The breeze blew; the leaves rustled; the sun glistened. The afternoon passed by. I rested and reflected. I let my mind think about its worries, and then I handed each worry, one by one, to Jesus. I asked God questions. I listened for answers in the quiet of my soul where the Holy Spirit can speak. I pet my cat. I heard a lawnmower and the chipping of a chipmunk.

When Louie decided to return inside, I followed the rhythm of the cat. I went inside and resumed my work. My brain felt clear; my heart felt light. I loved this afternoon of resting in the grass. If we haven’t made time to just sit somewhere in nature, let’s do it.

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