Prayers for Graduates, Young Professionals, or Anyone Building Something New

This morning, as I read David’s words to his son Solomon in 1 Chronicles 22:9-19, I found so many parallels to how we might pray for and speak to those in our lives who are graduating, starting new professional adventures, or simply wanting to begin a new project.

David describes Solomon as begin a man of “peace and rest” who has “rest from his enemies on every side.” David declares that Solomon will enjoy “peace and quiet” during his work (v. 9). I immediately began praying these blessings on my family and friends—that God would grant them the peace and rest of Solomon at this time.

David continues to say a beautiful and powerful blessing over his son that we might proclaim over graduating seniors and those beginning their professional lives: “Now may the Lord be with you, and may you have success. . . May the Lord give you discretion and understanding. . . Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. . . . Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you” (v. 11-15).

David wanted for his son the same things we hope and pray for our children, spouse, or anyone we’re interceding for: God’s presence, success, discretion, understanding, strength, courage, and motivation to begin the work God has given them.

Imagine looking into the eyes of a young adult who worries about her future. Imagine placing your hands on her shoulders and speaking the truth David says to Solomon: “Is not the Lord your God with you, and has he not granted you rest on every side? Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God.”

And now? David cheers on his son to begin the work. I think about the fresh assignments God gives people in my life, and I love these new ways to pray for them, and myself, as we move into a day of work.

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