What a whirlwind of a day! Amid the COVID-19 outbreaks and a rapidly changing situation regarding confirmed cases in the US, Penn State cancels all residential classes and encourages everyone to stay off campus–at least until April. At the same time, I learn that our school district has canceled classes next week.
It’s a time to think about teaching differently and a time to live as a source of comfort and peace in the midst of student confusion and fear. It’s a time to bless others and care for them.
The Italian Mamas assure me that I will love online teaching and will feel more rested and safe teaching from home. I’m imagining the possibilities and the fun of it. Students will see me in my natural habitat, and we’ll enjoy exploring various platforms like zoom and conferencing through our Canvas apps.
Meanwhile, I pray for health and safety and wisdom for travelers. With my own daughter returning from Jamaica on Sunday, I ask for prayers that she arrives to our door healthy and happy.