Oh, For Grace to Know This

I love when I arrive to Numbers 6:22-27 in my Bible reading. Here you find the blessing God gave to Aaron to speak over the people. It’s stunning:

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.“ So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.

God is a God of blessing. I read a sermon by Charles Spurgeon who reminds us so beautifully about inhabiting this reality of all the blessings we have in Christ as well as the innumerable ways to think about blessings throughout the day. He writes:

The Lord Jesus is ready still to bless us. Have you few blessings? You limit them yourselves. . . There is for you a blessing every morning: seek it when you wake. There is for you a blessing every evening: rest not till you feel it. There is a blessing for you at midnight, when you keep the watches wearily; and there is a blessing for you at midday, when you bear the noontide heat of care and toil. “Thy blessing is upon thy people”: that is to say, it is always upon them. Our great High Priest doth not now and then bless the people; but from his lips grace distills as dew, and drops as rain, without ceasing. Our Lord is always blessing, and we are always blessed. Oh, for grace to know this, and to glorify the God of our blessings!

I pray God increases our capacity to perceive and gather these daily blessings.

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