Oh, Do Tell

This morning I notice all the verbs in Psalm 145 that encourage talking. Hallelujah! You know me: I have “high articulation needs.” I love to talk and write all day long.

In just 5 verses in the middle of the Psalm, we read about commending God to others. We’re encouraged to tell, speak, proclaim, celebrate, and joyfully sing about God. 
In case we don’t get the point, the psalmist performs a seriously redundant refrain. He ends by saying again, “My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.”
It’s almost comical. It’s like David says, “Y’all! Talk about God! With your mouth! I mean it! Open your mouth and say something!”
Open your mouth and declare. But what? David reiterates this too: recount God’s awesome works, mighty acts, abundant goodness, and righteousness. 
So if you’re wondering what to tell us about, you know.
Do tell! Open your mouth and say it. 
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