Never Without a Witness

I listen to speaker remind us that “God never leaves Himself without a witness.” The phrase brings great comfort, and I cannot remember where I’ve heard the line before. I think of desperate situations where God seems so far away from people. Can I take comfort and courage that God left a witness in Jesus, in the indwelling Holy Spirit, and He leaves a witness in terms of a Christian presence? We can pray for that witness to stand up, proclaim truth, and be the presence of Christ to hurting people.

God never leaves Himself without a witness.

I search the sentence, and I realize it’s from Acts 14:17: “Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.

In the context of the speaker’s words, he reminded us that God always leaves a witness of Himself. He never makes it impossible to find Him as we seek for Him. God also always leaves a witness to His goodness and truth in the lives of others around us. He has left a witness, in fact, in you and me.

Imagine being the answer to someone’s search for truth because you provide the witness to who Jesus is.

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