My Sister’s Genius Idea for the Holidays

I know it’s six months until Thanksgiving, but my sister is hosting this year. This means the planning has commenced! She’s the most organized person I know. Her careful, advanced planning means family members far and wide received a box on their doorstep today of “Thankful Jars” with our names written on each one and strips of paper precut in little baggies.

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So cute! So wonderful!

The letter she sent with the Thankful Jars invites us to pay attention–for the next six months–to moments that make us so thankful. In November, we’ll all arrive to her home with jars stuffed with memories to pull out and share around the Thanksgiving table. We’ll have so much to talk about and so many blessings to recount!

Nobody can be in a bad mood with the Thankful Jars guiding our holiday. Nobody can dominate conversation or complain with the Thankful Jars standing guard on the table.

It’s a new tradition: We’ll now start our summer thankful jars each year in anticipation of Thanksgiving.

Why not start your own Thankful Jar? My sister’s artist friend painted ours with our names on one side, and I just love the bright pumpkin colored paint.

(You can find “Uniquely Yours Personalized Gifts” on Facebook).


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