In the Garage

This morning, along with our across-the-street neighbors, we hosted our second annual “Donuts in the Driveway” event. We gave out invitations to the neighbors on our street that between 8:00-10:00 AM on Saturday, we’d have donuts, coffee, and plenty of hot cocoa for the kids. Last year, we set out a wide circle of chairs in the neighbor’s driveway, and everyone came out (even sleepy teenagers) to socialize and start the weekend with a good cup of coffee and a donut.

But this year? In the pouring, freezing rain, we moved our Donuts in the Driveway event into my neighbor’s garage. We condensed our circle of chairs and huddled together in what became a cozy, warm, and wonderful morning. We packed in! We caught up with the families, their children, and even their dogs.

If you haven’t hosted a “Donuts in the Driveway” or something like this, I highly recommend it. It’s easy, doesn’t cost very much, and creates a great community event to help build connection.

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