Luxurious or lavish things do not need to be expensive. I’m learning that luxury can be sought in the right mindset. There’s something biblical about luxury properly applied. But, by definition, luxurious implies indulgent, excessively expensive, and unnecessary.
Even the word seems excessive. The way it sounds seems. . . luxurious.
The word connotes an entire world of very fine and very unobtainable things.
But in my house, we use the word to mean anything rich in goodness and superior in quality. We can make luxurious fruit tarts and paint our toenails with luxurious colors. We can lay out in the grass, luxuriously, and watch the lightening bugs. We can swim in the public pool with luxurious backstrokes.
We won’t be on boats or eating fine chocolates today. We won’t be vacationing on a far off island.
And that’s fine.
There’s something so uncertain about wealth and luxury. Today, as I was painting my daughter’s fingernails with the cheapest bottle of bright pink, I remembered one of my favorite Bible verses from the book of Timothy.
“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.”
Does God really richly provide everything for our enjoyment? Not for our needs, but for our enjoyment? How lavish! How luxurious! This means I only have to wait and see what luxurious experience God might send my way today.
Maybe it’s the gorgeous deep purple blossoms on the eggplant I’m growing outside. I’ve never grown eggplant before, and I’m amazed by how beautiful it is. And the fruit hasn’t even come yet. Eggplant is excessive and probably unnecessary (although I did learn how to make Eggplant Parmesan), but my goodness, I love those blossoms.
Thank you, God, for the luxury of purple eggplant blossoms. They have flair indeed.
(photo courtesy of Dilling / flickr)
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Due to our financial situation, I had to raise any flowers or veggies in my garden from seed this year. It's such a LUXURY to watch them show their green little heads and flower/bear fruit. The flowers of my veggies (snap peas, green beans, cukes, and tomatoes) are so pretty. And I can hardly wait for the zinnias and sunflowers to bloom. The lilies just knock me out with their fragrance! On top of all of that, I get to photograph them as the sun comes up on these lovely summer mornings 'cuz I don't work during the summer! Thanks Lord!