His Help

When I speak on “surrender” at retreats, I often ask women to reveal their thoughts about Jesus. I ask them to call out the first word that comes to mind when they think of Him. I love what erupts from the crowd. Rescuer! Redeemer! Healer! Comforter! Friend! Hope!

This past weekend, I noticed the same word popping up in their minds. Helper. Jesus is my Helper.

I’ve always loved this idea of Jesus as a Present Helper. I love how David writes in Psalm 54: “Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” The sons of Korah write in Psalm 46 on the same theme of God as our “ever-present help in trouble.” Consider how, when Joseph blesses his sons in Genesis 49:25, he describes God as the one “who helps you.” Over and over again, we see God as our help.

When we have help, that person eases a burden, provides resources, and serves us. Imagine the loving character of the God of the entire universe who becomes our help. Us? Why would he bother? Why does He love us so much? I think of David’s same feelings in Psalm 8 when he muses, “What is man that you are mindful him?” And now imagine turning to Jesus to humbly ask for help. Where do you need help? Do you believe He will help you?

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