“God Fulfilled a Dream I Didn’t Know I Had”

This morning, we eagerly approach the Robin’s Nest to check on the eggs, and we find that the storm has cast the nest down to the ground.  We stand there shocked and sad and angry as we surmise the broken eggshells, a ruined mess of twigs, and an empty tree.

A mother says, “This happens.”  

This happens.  It does.

The Mother Robin will build a new nest and lay new eggs.  We walk on in silence for a while, glancing back at a destroyed dream.

This happens.

But then I remember the early morning conversation I had with a dear friend just an hour before.  I ask her about her current career, and she says, “God fulfilled a dream I didn’t even know I had.”  

The comment arrests me, taking my breath away, because of the truth of it.  God does immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.  He fulfills dreams we don’t even know we have.

He crushes some dreams so completely that the yolk runs out and the thing we’ve built collapses. But what if, just maybe, there’s a new dream in a different place and in a different way and at a different time?  What if God rebuilds a new thing that we can’t even imagine with our minds? 

He fulfills dreams we don’t even know we have.  I want to let Him. 

Did God ever fulfill a dream you didn’t know you had? 

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