Friday-Sunday Blog Update

I enjoyed the best time with Ashley in North Carolina these past few days. We delivered our Warm Holiday Conversations Workshop for Wake Chapel, and then I spoke on living a “sent” life for the women on Saturday morning. Later that afternoon, we traveled to Durham to speak for Duke’s Cru group on The Six Conversations. Here are the three blogs we’ve missed:

  1. God is faithful to “instruct you in the way chosen for you.” I marveled on Friday about how, over time, I’ve learned to manage the pace and various assignments God gives to Ashley and me. I never felt anxious, overwhelmed, or fearful when traveling. Not once. Instead, I remembered to “savor” my surroundings, focus on helping other people, listen to new music, and play fun games on my phone. I loved our trip, and I didn’t feel exhausted. Remember that God will teach you everything you need to know to fulfill His purpose for you. It might take time, and you may have some distress at first, but that’s what learning is. You learn because you don’t know something at first.
  2. Saturday: My favorite moment during the weekend was when my dear friend, Sarah (a Greystone Girl), who attended the event, asked a wonderful question during the Q&A. She asked about the best Bible verses to memorize to use naturally in conversation. When we opened that question up to the woman in the room, so many people raised their hands to share a passage of scripture that has become precious to them that they loved to talk about. A young girl—an 8th grader—immediately quoted Philippians 4:13 and how she can do all things through Christ who strengthened her. A mother on the other side of the room raised her hand and quoted Genesis 50:20 (which I haven’t heard anyone ever say was their favorite passage of scripture before). She said, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” I can only imagine the story she tells that goes along with this passage. Then, an older woman called out that so many people deal with regret in their lives. She had the perfect Bible verse to share with someone who is dealing with regret over bad choices. She quoted Philippians 3:13-14: “But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the heavenly prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
  3. Today (Sunday), I thanked the Lord that my mom taught me the power of the Warm Welcome when you leave for a trip. Prepare the house to welcome you back. Run the vacuum, spray a room freshener, change the sheets and towels before you leave for your trip. Make it so when you return home from a trip, the home is sparkling clean, cozy, and fresh-smelling. I love walking in from a trip to find my cats waiting (well-fed and loved by my neighbors) and my house happy, tidy, and cozy for us.
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