Feast on the Empty

We’re walking in the woods this Thanksgiving Day, and autumn has starved the whole landscape of color.  

When I look up, I see tree branches stretched toward heaven like coral against a blue sea. 

Tree Branches Like Coral

The branches tangle up in currents of blue and white

Tangled in the Sky

We’re all down here, swimming in a great blue sea.  I’m miniature against an enormous coral reef.  I see it in my mind, and the whole story unfolds in color. 

The emptiness invites the poetry.

When life seems stark, you get to make the beauty yourself.  You feast on the empty. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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0 Responses

  1. I LOVE the last two lines.  Such poignant truth.  Thank you for sharing your bits of wisdom, each and every day.  Happy Thanksgiving!!