Last Sunday, the worship leader at church talked about the crowds gathering around Jesus on Palm Sunday. She remarked, “Everyone there needed something from Jesus.”
Something about the statement pierced my heart deeply. Everyone came to Him. Everyone crowded around Him. They all needed something from Jesus. They had heard about this man, Jesus, raising Lazarus from the dead. If He can do that, what other impossible thing might He do? I imagine people came to Jesus for healing for their pain both physical and emotional. I imagine people came because here was a man with power over demons. Why did they come? What did they need? The lonely, the hurting, the poor. They all needed something from Jesus. Our pastor later remarked how Jesus enters on that donkey and didn’t seek fame, power, money, position, or anything of the things the world values. He wasn’t an impressive figure on that donkey. Yet the people rushed to him. They all needed something from Jesus.
The worship leader asked us what we needed from Jesus. If we were in the crowd, what would have drawn us there? I like imagining that some people might have cleverly asked Jesus, “What should I ask you for?” So many of us don’t even know what we need at all. We are so confused and can’t figure out our inner turmoil. I think Jesus would tell us to ask for His peace. In fact, a few chapters later in the book of John, we read the most beautiful words: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14).