Do You Know What’s Coming?

We leave to travel for nearly eight weeks today.  (Don’t worry, Jack, Louie, and Snowflake have a family living in our home all summer.) 

I take one last look around the garden.  I realize that nature will offer several gifts when I return:

First, I can look forward to ripe raspberries.

Then, the blackberries. 

The beans have just started to send their little tendrils up, so I can harvest them when I return. 

And, the peppers!  I’ll have so many peppers. 

I have to imagine it.  I only see the unripe, unfinished, not-yet.  But I know how growth works by now.  I have hope that the unseen work will continue, and, one day soon, I’ll be up to my elbows in a new season:  harvest.

But not yet.  That’s just fine.  Living with flair means I wait and hope because I know what’s coming. 

Journal:  What fruit am I hoping for in this next season?

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