Divine Love Pouring Out Through You

I loved the day a professor friend told me that she lets God’s love pour out of her onto her students. It’s something she asks God to do; she can’t do it on her own. I thought of Romans 5:5 and how the Holy Spirit pours God’s love into us and then we let it flow out to others.

I read Andrew Murray’s words on this when he writes, “Let our life be one of self-sacrifice, always studying the welfare of others, finding our highest joy in blessing others. And let us, in studying the divine art of doing good, yield oursevles as obedient learners to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. By His grace, the most commonplace life can be transformed with the brightness of heavenly beauty, as the infinite love of the divine nature shines out through our frail humanity.”

Can you imagine days spent “studying the welfare of others” and growing in the “divine art of doing good?”

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