My weeding continues. I uncover two plants that returned from last year: my Lemon Thyme and German Thyme. Once I remove all the weeds covering them, I enjoy the beauty and fragrance of the lovely Lemon Thyme. I use it all summer when cooking with fish or chicken or in soups, and I have so much of it now that it’s time to harvest.
I decide to freeze most of the thyme, but I keep a bouquet back to fill the kitchen with that wonderful lemon smell.

It’s such a living with flair moment to weed a vegetable garden. It’s such a symbol of the landscape of the heart and what it take to prepare the soil, uncover beauty, foster growth, and then harvest. Each season has its own lesson and rewards. Each step reveals a gift for the soul. Today’s gift:
Sometimes you must pull many things out of your life in order to discover again the beautiful thing growing underneath. You need a season of clearing out, of overturning the soil, and letting some air and sunshine in.