I love teaching on the college campus. If you’re wondering what a typical Monday looks like, I’ll tell you. The day always begins with coffee, Bible reading, my prayer journal–a must to survive! After getting my children situated for school, I’ll drive to campus. I’m currently listening to the podcast called “This Cultural Moment.” It’s excellent!
The day began with a special treat: I ran into another faculty member. We chatted on a campus bench before her 9:00 AM class. Students streamed passed us and busses exhaled at their stops as we talked. Talking to other professors means we’ll inevitably swap teaching stories, but we also talk about our families, what we’re learning, and any new ideas we’ve had lately. I love being around creative and intelligent people. I always learn something new!
Then, I rushed off to my office to return several emails to provide feedback on student writing, write recommendations, or advise students. I share an office with two colleagues, so I love catching up with their life and work.
I met with three different students: one readying herself for medical school applications who needed help with her personal statement, one seeking personal, career, and class advice, and one wanting to talk through the sequence of his next essay. If you’re thinking about a career in teaching, let me prepare you: you’ll interact with many people in a day, and each conversation matters deeply. This is why you keep alert with snacks and coffee in your office!
Then, I walked through the sunshine to my teach my advanced writing classes in a building across campus. Each class is 50 minutes long and involves lecture, discussion, and writing. Of course, I always plan a “Name Game.” Today we talked about the highlights of our weekend and then worked on advanced grammar skills to hold the attention of the reader. When I leave class, I love it when students follow me out to talk about whatever is on their mind.
Then, it’s back home to greet my children and prepare dinner. I normally just have a few minutes to transition home. During the week a paper is due, students will email more frequently, so I devote more time in the evening to helping students improve their writing. Often, former students will email with writing questions or help with their resumes, and if I have the energy, I’ll answer a few of these before bedtime. So that’s my Monday! If you’re wondering when I blog, it’s whenever I have a free moment! I’m writing now before I clean the dinner dishes.
On Tuesday, I’m home writing, and I schedule ministry meetings in the afternoon. And that’s a day in the life.