
In Psalm 105:4, we read this:

Seek the Lord and his strength;
    seek his presence continually!

How do we “continually” seek the Lord’s presence? Practical tips: a prayer journal, worship music playing throughout the day, Bible reading, attention to thanksgiving and good gifts all day long, directing worries and stress into specific prayer requests, intercession for others, spiritual writing, and scripture memory. 

I’ve even set reminders on my phone for times of the day that always feel particularly discouraging. My discouraging times usually appear between 3:00-5:00 when I’m answering end-of-day email, shifting my attention to the home duties of after-school snack and conversation, meal preparation, tidying, and lesson plans for the next day. These hours can feel scattered and overwhelming, and I’m usually worn out! I set a reminder to pray, and during that time, I have two friends I often text to gather prayer requests.

If you’re on Spotify, there’s a great 90’s Christian Hits playlist that I love. This helps me keep my attention on God when I’m driving, cycling, or cooking.

And remember the part of the Psalm that says to seek “his strength.” You have things to do today that are beyond your strength or capacity. Do not despair! Seek His strength for it. He will provide it. 



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