By Awesome Deeds

In Psalm 65:5, I note three interesting things. David writes, “By awesome deeds you answer us with righteousness. . .”

  1. God performs awesome deeds for us. In the Hebrew, “awesome” is the sense of the sublime; God acts in ways so astonishing we’re filled with fear and wonder.
  2. These awesome deeds come in response to asking. God answers in response to a question or request. Where might I need His awesome deeds performed today? How might I invite God to bring honor to Himself in my family, work, friendships, and daily life in general? We might pray, “God, display your awesome deeds our lives today!”
  3. These deeds align with God’s righteousness, including His well-ordered, well-designed, morally perfect plan. Imagine it: We serve a God who answers our prayers with awesome deeds that are perfect for the moment. He listens when we ask and sends a divine response.

We ask. He answers. It’s sublime.

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