Back to the Inch

It’s a cool morning here, so I sneak in some weeding between work commitments. I always view the weeding work in front of me and experience that overwhelming feeling that there’s just too much to do here. You might feel that with your own work today. It’s too much!

But then I remember to work the inch. Do the inch! Start the work in the tiniest division of it you can. I pull this weed and that weed in a small section. Then I move to the next. Soon, the whole area looks beautiful. I find an hour has passed in the cool morning shade and breeze.

I learned about starting with just an inch years ago. It helps me with cleaning, writing, organizing, and garden work. Maybe you needed a little boost of encouragement with your work for the day. Start in the smallest increment. Pull that weed. Clean that surface. Write that sentence. Then, do the next one. Soon, you’ll have finished the whole task.

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