After a long break, it’s time for a fresh semester and a fresh writing schedule. If you’re interested in setting a writing schedule to finish a book, I recommend writing no more than 4 hours a day, 2-3 days a week. Essentially, I aim for just 12 hours of writing a week. That’s not bad if you think about it. Of course, some career authors write 8 hours a day 5 days a week. I don’t have that kind of stamina or perseverance. My creative energy wanes after 4 hours.
I love schedules because they remove the emotional component. I don’t wake up and ask myself if I “feel” like writing or if I “want” to write. It’s just what’s next on the schedule, sort of like brushing my teeth, making the bed, or emptying the dishwasher. That’s my best advice for finishing your book (or any project) in 2022. Schedule it! Don’t think about if you feel like doing the work. Try just sitting down (because it’s on the schedule), typing a few words (because it’s on the schedule), and staying there for 4 hours. Take a break every hour, but finish the work. It’s what the schedule told you to do.