Ask for Wisdom. It Comes.

Today I remember the simplest truth that we can ask God for wisdom. In James 1:5, I read that “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God who gives generously without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

My natural inclination is to sort it all out myself. I implement strategies. I verbally process. I journal. I ask everyone for advice. I think and think and think.

What if I just asked God for wisdom? It seems too simple. It seems too easy.

But I do it. I ask God for wisdom regarding a problem, and without fail–and often within the same day–the clouds part, and I know the right way to think or act in a confusing situation. Today, for example–right after I pray–a friend arrives at my door with wise, Biblical counsel.

The wisdom unfolds generously: scripture, discernment, and confirmation just come. Maybe it’s not always in the very same day, but it does come.

I ask for wisdom, and God gives it generously.
Where do you go for wisdom?

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