It’s my favorite time to walk and discover the marvelous little bird nests all over the neighborhood. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved bird nests. I cannot adequately describe the sense of joy and wonder in finding a nest and, most importantly, the little egg inside.
My oldest daughter and I walk around the sunny neighborhood today, and I note the mourning doves darting in and out of the pine trees. Mourning doves mostly nest in pine, so I know to look there in the next few days. In fact, as we walk by a large pine tree down the street, I see the shadowy beginnings of a mourning dove nest. The loose construction of these nests always worries me. The sticks balance in the pine tree, and it seems like nothing holds them in place. How can that egg stay safe in there?

I’ll return tomorrow to see the completed nest. Meanwhile, the Northern Cardinal and the Robin compete over the winterberry bush and the weeping cherry. I never know who will win out, but this year, I’m rooting for cardinals.
Soon, the tiniest little sparrows will build their nest in the bushes that line the sidewalk up the road.