Alright, Alright, Alright: What Matthew McConaughey Needs Each Day

If you haven’t heard Matthew McConaughey’s acceptance speech for best actor last night at the Oscars, click here.  It’s wonderful! He tells the audience the three things he needs each day: something to look up to, something to look forward to, and someone to chase.

Something to look up to.
Something to look forward to.
Someone to chase.

He looks up to God because he knows “He’s graced my life with opportunities that are not of my own hand or any other human hand.”

He looks forward to being with his family who “he wants to make the most proud of [him].”

And he chases the man he’ll be in ten years. He’s knows he’ll never get there, but he keeps chasing him.

I like thinking about life this way.

It was a great speech, and I’m so glad I heard it.

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