This week, I traveled to Atlanta to speak at The Exchange on The Six Conversations. The founder and host, Elizabeth Perhson, interviewed me about the book, and we had a fantastic evening of laughter and connection with nearly 200 women. If you notice, the stage looks like a little campsite. The designer did this intentionally; I met Elizabeth nearly 30 years ago when I went to Camp Greystone. We’ve been friends ever since. Elizabeth has always encouraged my faith, and whenever I’m with her, I know it’s going to be an adventure.

We couldn’t be more different. She’s athletic; she has 8 children (yes—8!); she’s not interested in academic things at all (by her own admission). At camp, she taught tennis while I was teaching poetry writing and crafts! We share almost nothing in common except our love of God and Greystone. But when we talk, we immediately find deep connection about what we’re learning, where we’re struggling, and what in life brings us joy. We are completely ourselves with one another. As I spoke on the 4 Mindsets required for a loving connection, I realized that Elizabeth has always displayed them all. She’s curious, she believes the best, she expresses concern, and she shares her life. And, in line with the 3 Fresh goals, after you spend time with her, you’ll be encouraged, you’ll feel more equipped to reach your goals, and you’ll find yourself marveling.