A Theology of Writing

I’ve loved encouraging writers this month on social media. Today, I remembered how God developed in me a “theology of writing.” Tomorrow, I’ll encourage writers to pause and reflect on writing itself. Here’s the sneak peek:

Tip: Pause and Reflect. Today we reflect on writing as a spiritual practice. This helps connect us more deeply with the beauty and wonder behind our writing projects. Here are my favorite ways to think about writing from the Bible:

  1. Writers witness. God tells Isaiah, “Go now, write it on a scroll that it may become an everlasting witness” (Isaiah 30:8). I just love this command to go write. 
  2. Writers tell the next generation. The psalmist declares: “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done (Psalm 74:8).
  3. Writers encourage: Consider how Isaiah declares, “the Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary” (Isaiah 50:4).
  4. Writers know the power of story; they follow Jesus’s example of the power of story as He taught in parables.
  5. Writers worship as they write; God Himself wrote through the hands of the biblical writers. Writers reflect God’s nature as they create and communicate through the gift of writing. 

I’m thankful for what seems like such a simple thing like writing that’s actually a deeply spiritual act.

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