I receive a newsletter from author James Clear with great advice. He shares this gem from writer Jorge Luis Borges on transforming every experience into a resource:
“A writer — and, I believe, generally all persons — must think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource. All things have been given to us for a purpose, and an artist must feel this more intensely. All that happens to us, including our humiliations, our misfortunes, our embarrassments, all is given to us as raw material, as clay, so that we may shape our art.”
Source: Twenty-Four Conversations with Borges: Including a Selection of Poems
If you like weekly advice on productivity or inspiration, you can sign up for James Clear’s newsletter, too. He’s the author of Atomic Habits, and I like his advice. https://jamesclear.com/3-2-1/june-3-2021?rh_ref=10fd2e7e