A Little Something of a Big Joy

This morning, I read Judy Dunagan’s wonderful devotion called Praying God’s Word. She explores John 17 and teaches us about praying for our children or grandchildren especially. I note her comment on praying for them that they may have the “full measure of joy” Jesus talks about in verse 13.

I thought about how I hardly ever feel the “full measure of joy.” What would it feel like anyway? What circumstances would have to change to usher in this kind of joy? I sit with the question for a while. Then I return to the passage and notice something beautiful and astonishing.

It’s not my joy welling up in me.

It’s Jesus’s joy.

Jesus says, “I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.”

It’s His joy, not mine! What a joy to see that little word! Nothing has to change outside of me. Nothing would be able to enhance or diminish this permanent joy that comes from knowing Jesus.

The joy is His joy within us. I think about connecting more deeply with Jesus to tap into His joy. I think about how in His presence is “fullness of joy” (Psalm 16:11). He IS Joy. Joy is a person–Jesus Christ.

When I know Him, I know Joy.

[bctt tweet=”In the presence of Jesus is fullness of joy. It’s His joy that wells up. Knowing Jesus means we connect with this joy.”]

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