A Little Cattywampus

Today, I surprised my students with doughnuts.

Today, I surprised myself by treating myself to a fancy coffee for no good reason. And I wore cowboy boots with yellow tights that in no way matched my camel colored corduroy skirt. Apparently, this counts as hipster. 

And I ate a doughnut during my office hours as I talked with three wonderful students. I haven’t eaten a doughnut in a year.

The whole day has been out of the ordinary–right down to my tights– and, as an older Southern lady might say, “It’s cattywampus.” 

Cattywampus: not centered, out-of-sorts, a little chaotic. 

I think that for someone like me, a little cattywampus is a good thing. Too much order can stifle. Living with flair means you delight in a little chaos, a little break in routine, and a little out-of-the-ordinary.

So here’s to a cattywampus Wednesday!

Did you surprise yourself today?

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  1. You inspired me! We both had busy mornings and when hubby had a chance to catch his breath, I suggested we go to a local apple farm for cider donuts! I took our own iced coffee and after selecting apples and squash, we drove to a beautiful park area and ate donuts, drank coffee, talked, enjoyed a beautiful afternoon and were totally refreshed! He loves surprises – thanks for helping me with one!