A Little Bit

It’s that time of year for weeding. Weeds have completely overtaken the garden.

I start slowly, in tiny little segments. A little bit at a time is the only way I can do it. I know some gardeners who spend the whole day in the yard, exhausting themselves with joy. I can’t do it like that. I get overwhelmed and tired, and I wonder why anyone wants a garden at all. But when I tell myself I’ll go out there and weed for a few minutes here and there, I can manage the task. Sometimes, I entice myself with the promise of a new podcast or a whole music album to enjoy. Then, I’m out there for an hour or so. I love the feeling of deciding I’m finished for the day. It feels so adult; nobody is forcing me to keep doing yard work, and nobody cares if it’s not finished. I can weed or not weed.

I do think it’s fun to know your own work habits. I like small chunks of work time, and I like to entice myself to do it. And I like the choice of it.

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