A Fresh Season of Ministry

I’ve always lived my life by the academic calendar, so my fresh season of ministry begins mid-August as I prepare for a new fall semester of teaching at Penn State. It all begins again! I’m so excited!

With the new academic start, Ashley and I also launch our fall season of teaching on Sent and the Six Conversations. We just returned from a great weekend at a primarily Korean church in Virginia (I had Korean BBQ for the first time!), and we’ll travel to various churches this fall to help people grow in their conversation skills and develop the mindsets and skills for a lifetime of inviting people to know Jesus. We also pop in virtually to campus ministries and organizations who request a workshop on having better conversations on campus.

Along with traveling and speaking, I’ve also enjoyed various podcast interviews. One special invitation came from Focus on the Family, and this morning, our conversation aired on Deepening Your Relationships. You can watch the interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHFzjewJjsk

I’m learning so much about trusting God, applying scripture to my life, and putting on the “armor of God” each day (Ephesians 6). If you have a moment, pray for Ashley and me and our fall schedule. And I pray for you—that God would “meet all of your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

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