A Favorite Afternoon Refreshment

I’ve been loving this drink:

Fill a glass with plenty of ice. Add a few cubes of frozen ground ginger (from Trader Joes). Add a splash of elderberry syrup, 1/4 cup of your favorite kombucha, and the juice of one orange. You can also add a splash of lime juice. Top everything off with a can of your favorite sparkling beverage (I like LaCroix’s lemon). It’s a great drink full of health benefits:

Ginger: an ancient (and now proven) remedy for “numerous ailments, such as colds, nausea, arthritis, migraines, and hypertension.” 

Elderberry syrup: boosts immune system, helps lower stress, and protects the heart.

Kombucha: gives you probiotics and health benefits of tea.

Orange juice: Vitamin C! One orange provides 100% of the daily recommended intake.

Enjoy this delicious, fizzy, and fun drink.


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