Days In / Days Out

Yesterday, I spent the entire day moving from meeting to meeting, class to class, event to event. When I returned to fall in bed late in the night, I realized how hard it is to live a life like this. Even though everyone felt cared for with a dinner made in advance and everything in order in the home, I felt so out of sorts. My Big Day Out reminded me that it’s time for a Big Day In. 

I listened to my heart. I found myself lingering so long to talk to my daughters in their beds that night and wanting to drive them to school instead of the bus. I found myself so excited–overly excited!–to vacuum and dust the living room and light a fresh candle in preparation for our time as a family tonight. I couldn’t wait to have a Big Day In to work from home, wash and fold all the the laundry, prepare dinner, and think of a fun snack for after school.

When I think of the rhythms of my life, I remember to balance going out with coming back in, back to family, to meals around the table, and the quiet order of silence away from the hustle and bustle.


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