Do you remember when I blogged from atop a double-decker bus going to NYC for my friend’s book launch and signing? The new experience delighted me! And I loved taking you with me on the journey. I feel that way now, seven years later, writing on an airplane. Only this time, I’m returning from my own event where I signed books and spoke for women on all the best verbs in scripture (seated, included, guarded) and gave an ending talk on Luke 5 and what it means to leave everything to follow Jesus because He is that great.
I remember at my friend’s party in New York how nervous I was to pitch a novel idea to an agent. I remember thinking how I’d always be an outsider in the whole world of publishing. I told this agent about my novel—her name was Kate and she was fancy and professional and kind— and I even sent her a copy of it which she rejected immediately.
Then I found another agent for that novel who, now, all these years later, and under the direction of another agent in that same agency, will try to sell the book again this very week! I love the timing of it. I love thinking about life and growth and flight patterns. Sometimes, you change course a bit. There’s turbulence. There’s stalling on runways and all kinds of uncomfortable delays. And sometimes, everything happens in a flurry and you’re running to catch flights.
I love that God sees the whole landscape of a life, like me looking down from this plane.
It’s beautiful. I’ll arrive right on time.
So hello to you from way up here in the sky. The sun sets. Night falls. And I’m here, amazed.