This morning I read in Tozer’s The Purpose of Man, this lovely quote:
“God made you in order that you might stand up and charm the rest of the universe as you sing praises to the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why you were made in His image.”
What would my life look like to others and feel like to me if every purpose of my heart turned towards worship?
Inevitably, this life would charm others on the journey. I think about what it means more broadly to “stand up” and “sing praises” in various forms and in various settings. The standing up seems public, deliberate, and visible. The singing seems vocal, beautiful, and honoring. Perhaps our standing up simply means to reveal in a public way our adoration of Jesus in some kind of vocal way. I say this because my form of singing (I cannot sing at all!) is writing, teaching, and speaking. My form of standing up right now is publishing and speaking about Jesus wherever I am.
We’re made to stand up and sing praises to Jesus.