Resting Anywhere

I’m learning to rest anywhere: on airplanes, on stages, in hotel rooms, and in any stressful situation. I think about abiding in Jesus, and I check in with God through simple conversation. I thank Him for whatever environment I’m in. I notice where I am, and I ask why I’m there. Is there someone who needs a word of encouragement or help? Is there someone who needs prayer? I take deep breaths. I savor. If I’m tired, I know there’s a way to sleep somewhere, sometime. If I’m hungry, I know God will provide something, sometime. It’s taken me over 15 years to learn to rest.

Resting, I’m learning, is all about trust. It’s all about surrendering to the situation and trusting God’s goodness and provision. It’s all about holding plans and a schedule loosely. It’s all about Matthew 11:28-30. If I’m not resting, I’m taking on a yoke and a burden that Jesus wants to bear instead of me. He says this:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

I’ve started reading Andrew Murray’s Humility (Ash’s favorite book), and it’s a book that teaches us about reality (as Ash says). When I realize my absolute dependence on a Creator, I can relax into His care. I can rest anywhere.

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