The Lemon and the Fig

It’s time to move the potted fig to the garage and the potted lemon into the house for winter. Can you believe it’s already that cool at night? With colder nights, when a potted fig drops her leaves, it’s time to bring her someplace not quite as cold. I place the potted lemon tree in front of a sunny window. I’ll still water and care for her during the winter, but I don’t expect much to happen until the warmer days of summer.

I harvest the final raspberries and love to see the bags of frozen berries ready for smoothies or a cobbler. Next year, I’d love to put up so much more like jars of apple chips, homemade salsa, and peaches and plums. One day! For now, I’m thrilled for all the bags of berries and frozen corn from my friend.

I recently also arranged for a dozen fresh eggs to arrive every Tuesday from a local farm. Try as I might to resist this, I just become more and more in love with life in Pennsylvania and the people who live off the land, who store up for the winter, and who live in this simple, pure way that has captured my heart.

So I bring in the fig and the lemon, and I start dreaming about my fruit and berries that I’ll harvest next year.

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