A Little Assignment from Psalm 119

I recently talked to a reader about letting God’s word work deeply within you. Then, you have stories to share with others about how God used various passages of scripture to heal you or comfort you. As I read Psalm 119 this morning, I took a highlighter and marked every place where we’re told the power of God’s word. Try it. Look for any place where the writer talks about God’s word—His law, ordinances, testimonies, or commandments. You’ll be amazed. Once we develop the conviction of what God’s word does, we feel excited and even determined to read it every day and learn it well.

We’re told that, as we read and study God’s word, we’ll receive blessing greater than riches. We’ll gain wonderful things, great understanding, good counsel, delight, strength, freedom, honor, fellowship, refreshment and steadiness (to name a few benefits).

One day, we’ll come to know God’s word as our highest earthly treasure. What do we possess greater than these words that lead us to Jesus?

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